Black lives matter gay pride parade

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These are only some of the continuing injustices Black people face from the police, and as a result, protests have broken out throughout the country. Historically, the cops who have been arrested and charged have faced little to no jail time at all for killing an innocent Black person. Some of their killers are not even being taken into custody and charged - it took ten days for charges to be filed against all four of the officers involved in George Floyd’s death and no arrests have been made for those involvement in Breonna Taylor’s death. These murders are a part of the devastating cycle that is being Black in America. The nation has seen much unrest over the past few days as a result of the murders of George Floyd, Tony McDade, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and many other Black people who have been killed by the police and other racists throughout America.

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As we move into Pride Month with everything else going on in the country, I have but one simple request: Do better. This is an open letter to the LGBTQ+ community, but more specifically to the white and non-Black People of Color within the community.

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